
Saturday, 27 April 2013

how to make Notepad write on its own

1. Open the Notepad and Type the Code Given Below.

    set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("") "Notepad"
    wscript.sleep 2000
    wshshell.AppActivate "Notepad"
    WshShell.SendKeys "H"
    WScript.Sleep 500
    WshShell.SendKeys "ell"
    WScript.Sleep 500
    WshShell.SendKeys "o "
    WScript.Sleep 500
    WshShell.SendKeys " "
    WScript.Sleep 500
    WshShell.SendKeys " Friends"

2. Save it as anyname.vbs (Note the vbs extension)

3. Now Open the anyname.vbs file by doublecliking on it and see the Magic..

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